Dear Customers,
Following our last communication on the subject, at BMIT Technologies plc, we continue to monitor the situation and we are continuously taking actions in line with our business continuity plans, company health and safety policy and any recommendation issued by the Malta Public Health authorities.
The following is another reminder and update, we kindly urge you to take note of and to follow.
- Visitors and Employees must maintain a minimum distance of two [2] metres from each other. Guidelines on social distancing must always be respected. Thus, anyone not complying with this should be politely asked to step back and respect the distance.
- Lifts should not be crowded, and hand sanitiser is to be applied after the use of a lift, since lift buttons are considered as a high touch area.
- Kitchen facilities need to be used minimally. Employees and Visitors must consume any food at their desk (ideally, disinfecting the desk with a disposable wipe after having done so) or in the client’s area. Seating located in the chill areas must not be used.
- All individuals visiting any of our facilities MUST wear a mask. Such mask needs to be worn for the duration of the entire visit. It must be correctly worn, ensuring it covers the mouth and nose, and must be securely tied to minimize any gaps between the face and the mask.
- We strongly suggest leveraging our technicians via remote hands and eyes.
- Prior to be allowed entrance, each visitor will be:
- Screened by means of thermal non-contact cameras or thermometers. We will only read the temperature, and not record it, and will not allow access if the visitor’s temperature exceeds 37.2°C, you will not be allowed to enter, no exceptions. Our suggestion is that you will immediately proceed to contact a medical specialist.
- We need to be informed at least 48 hours prior to calling on-site. If, due to an extreme emergency, a visitor is not able to notify us at least 48 hours before calling on-site, then we will:
- Still apply the procedure defined in this communication.
- Request that the visit is kept to the shortest time possible.
- Request that all appropriate health and safety measures are followed.
- In addition to the above, all visitors will be asked to certify that they:
- o Do not have cold or flu-like symptoms.
- o Have had no known contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
- o Will keep visits to the least time possible.
- o Will adhere by all appropriate health and safety measures.
- o Will follow all social distancing directions as directed by BMIT Technologies NOC Technicians.
- We reserve the right to reject visit requests if, in our reasonable opinion, such visit poses a risk to our employees.
Our service desk and remote support capabilities have been further strengthened to extend as much as possible such support. In the vast majority of cases, we believe we are able to provide assistance through remote means.
Nonetheless, any clients who absolutely require our on-prem services need to complete a consent form and return it via email to at least 24 hours before our employees visit the client’s premises.
Please note that as the situation is continuously evolving, current procedures and guidelines may be changed at any time.
We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation throughout this current situation. Please visit our COVID-19 page for the latest information.