
Developing a robust data backup strategy: Some considerations

Data is the lifeblood of every organisation. Protecting this invaluable asset is essential for business continuity and maintaining a competitive edge but equally important is the ability to recover the data in the event of data leakage or a breach. Data backup is a fundamental component of an organisation’s cybersecurity and disaster recovery plan. Data […]

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Financial assistance to beef up security in your business

Building resilience and a strong security posture require time and investment. Unfortunately, tight budgets and a lack of appetite to focus on security, particularly cybersecurity due to its complexity, leave businesses open to attack. The Maltese government recognises the challenges local businesses face when implementing security measures and recently launched an initiative – the Cyber-ALT […]

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Security posture. What. Why. How.

In December 2022, the European Union approved the final text of a new legislative framework called the Digital Operational Resilience Act or DORA for short. Covering the financial services industry, DORA comes into force in January 2025 and imposes stringent requirements in relation to ICT and risk management. While DORA is specific to one industry, […]

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Keep your business safe without breaking the bank

Cybersecurity is a critical concern for every business though not everyone accepts the facts and by then it is usually too late. Businesses need to understand how important it is for them to protect sensitive data, intellectual property, and the overall reputation of the business. Investing in cybersecurity is a cost of doing business but […]

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Microsoft to enable security defaults setting across all tenants on June 27

Multi Factor Authentication now required for all users Microsoft has announced that as part of its efforts to boost security of its cloud services, it will be turning on the security defaults setting for all Azure tenants. This includes multi factor authentication (MFA). Microsoft’s security defaults are a set of preconfigured security settings that are […]

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7 Scary Facts About Your Business’s Lack of Security

Many business owners don't think about cybersecurity until it's too late. Cybersecurity is not something that businesses can afford to ignore. There are several scary consequences that can result from your business’ lack of security awareness and preparedness. According to a study by IBM, 60% of businesses that experience a data breach go out of […]

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The security divide: Why C-level and IT teams don’t always agree on security

Cybersecurity has become an essential element of business operations however IT teams and C-level executives often have different perspectives and priorities when it comes to security, leading to misalignment and gaps in communication. IT teams may feel that the C-level executives do not understand the importance of security, while C-level executives may view IT teams […]

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Creating a strong security policy for your business

A security policy is a set of rules and guidelines that define how your business protects its information assets and systems. It establishes what actions need to be taken to prevent the unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction of those assets and data. If your business deals with sensitive data, customer information, financial records, […]

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The Human Factor: How employee behaviour affects cybersecurity in the workplace

Humans are extremely complex beings. Each one is different, possesses the ability to do good, or bad; to absorb knowledge or fail to understand basic concepts. They are also subject to manipulation, biases and extremes of emotion. Ultimately, as much as we’d like to believe we understand them, they are more likely to surprise us […]

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Raising awareness on phishing attacks among employees

Today, phishing is one of the most prevalent and dangerous types of cybercrime that businesses and individuals face nearly three decades after the word was first recorded, in 1995.  What is phishing?   It is a social engineering attack in which a malicious actor tries to trick or lure someone into divulging sensitive information, such as […]

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