
7 reasons why you should invest in cybersecurity

In today’s digital landscape, your business relies on technology for your operations and growth. This reliance on technology means that your business is a target for cybercriminals. Investing in cybersecurity is your insurance against becoming a victim of a costly breach or worse.  According to Kaspersky and B2B International, the average cost of a SMB […]

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New to cybersecurity? 9 areas that you need to think about

A survey last year of small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) found that more than half did not have any cybersecurity measures in place, with just over a third (36%) saying they were ‘not at all concerned’ about cyber-attacks or were ‘too small’ to be a target. Cyberattacks are increasing, and no business can afford […]

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Preparing for the worst - Evaluating the approach and measures to protect your organisation from cyber attacks

Nowadays, organisations have a better understanding of the potential risks associated with their reliance on technology to conduct business operations. The possibility of a cyberattack that could significantly impair an organization is a legitimate concern. Although there has been an overall increase in awareness, there are still numerous organisations that fail to give cybersecurity the […]

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The Importance of Hardening Microsoft Environments to Enhance Security

In today's world, cybersecurity has become an increasingly important aspect for organizations of all sizes. With the rise of digital transformation, the number of cyber-attacks has also increased, making it imperative for organisations to take steps to secure their Microsoft environments. Hardening is a process of securing and reinforcing a computer system or network to […]

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Protecting the weakest link in your business

It should come as no surprise that eight in 10 hacking-related breaches are due to weak/stolen passwords. Let’s be frank, changing passwords and following stringent password policies is a hassle; that’s why so many people set one ‘strong’ password and then use it across multiple accounts. Even then, if your password is shorter than 9 […]

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The 10 most common cyber threats to your business

The cost of cybercrime is predicted to hit $8 trillion, that’s correct, trillion, in 2023, growing to $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to the 2022 Official Cybercrime Report from Cybersecurity Ventures. To put that into perspective, it is the combined Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Japan and the United Kingdom combined. If cybercrime were a […]

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Why MSSPs are fuelling SMBs to reach their destination

The SMB market in Europe and more specifically in Malta has always been the dominating market with very large numbers of businesses. Governments continue to support this market through various incentives, specifically to digitise and adopt cloud strategies.  We saw such incentives pushed during the COVID-19 pandemic for SMBs to enable hybrid/remote work and increase […]

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Defend your Business

As the threat landscape continues to expand, cyberattack numbers reach new heights and attack trends continue to change, as the good vs evil battle rages on. Cybersecurity should be top priority for businesses of all sizes as we depend on data information in this technology era to drive and grow. In this article we shall […]

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Hacking smart devices – the silent threat

Smart devices are becoming commonplace, and not just for personal use. IDC estimates that by 2025, there will be at least 41.6 billion smart devices connected to the Internet and that figure is getting closer every day – reaching more than 10 million in 2021 already. Multiple sources report that 83% of organizations have improved […]

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