IT Governance 

BMIT’s IT Governance services are tailored to help organisations effectively align their IT strategy with their business objectives. We provide a comprehensive range of solutions, from policy development to proactive and responsive services, ensuring your IT operations are efficient, secure, and compliant.


What is IT Governance?

IT Governance refers to the framework and processes that ensure the effective and efficient use of IT in enabling an organisation to achieve its goals.

Effective IT Governance plays a crucial role in an organisation by:


Ensuring that IT initiatives are in sync with business goals, providing a strategic advantage.


Improving efficiency by optimising the use of IT resources such as staff, applications, and infrastructure.


Helping to identify, assess, and mitigate IT-related risks while ensuring compliance with relevant laws and standards.


Encouraging the adoption of new technologies and practices that can give the organisation a competitive edge.


Providing a structured approach for making informed decisions about IT investments and priorities.

How can BMIT help

Our Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) services include
Policy Development and Process Management

We can create and manage your IT policies that align with business goals and regulatory requirements

Risk Assessment and Gap Analyses

We help identify IT risks and develop strategies to mitigate them

Compliance Management and Audit Support

We ensure compliance with laws and regulations and provide support for audits and standards certifications

Security Awareness Training

Educates employees on security best practices, potential threats, and how to protect organizational data

The BMIT-Client process

BMIT follows a comprehensive service process with every client.

We begin by evaluating your current IT governance structure, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and gaps. Based on the assessment, we develop a customised IT governance plan, detailing the necessary policies, processes, and structures.

We then work with your team to implement the IT governance plan, clearly defining roles and responsibilities to ensure smooth execution. We continuously monitor the governance framework, using established metrics and KPIs to track performance and compliance.

We regularly review and update the IT governance policies to address new challenges and leverage opportunities, ensuring ongoing effectiveness.

BMIT ClientProcess

Pro-active and Response Services

We offer a range of proactive and response services to ensure robust IT governance

We can guide and assist you in defining IT policies and processes and strategically launching them into your business.


We provide a review of IT policies and processes; you schedule a recurring or on-demand review of a single or a set of IT policies for optimisation purposes.


We can assist in identifying and prioritising business IT risk, carry out risk assessments and implement an IT risk management framework to ensure effective IT risk management for your business.


We can help an organisation to implement the ISO27001 framework, a compliant ISMS as well as provide support during audits and certification.

Get in touch

We look forward to partnering with you to enhance your IT governance framework. Contact us today to learn more about how our services can power your business.