Why penetration testing matters

Merely identifying vulnerabilities is not enough. Cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, targeting not just the common entry points but also custom and legacy systems, APIs, and complex network configurations. This is where penetration testing becomes crucial. Unlike standard vulnerability assessments, penetration testing provides a real-world attack simulation to uncover how well an organisation’s defences hold up against actual threats.


Yes to vulnerability scans, but…

Vulnerability management is essential for identifying and patching known weaknesses, however it addresses only part of the problem. Automated tools may overlook complex vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and the security gaps in custom and legacy software.

Penetration testing bridges this gap by:
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Simulating real-world attacks to expose hidden vulnerabilities.

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Testing the resilience of your custom applications and legacy systems.

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Evaluating the security of APIs that integrate various parts of your infrastructure.

BMIT’s Penetration Testing Services

Internal Penetration Testing
Internal penetration testing is designed to assess your organisation's security from within. This type of testing mimics the actions of a malicious insider or an attacker who has breached your external defences.

In this test, BMIT will carry out a thorough evaluation of internal systems and networks, identifying weak points that could be exploited by insiders or compromised accounts. As a result, we provide the organisation with detailed insights and recommendations to strengthen their internal security posture.
External Penetration Testing
External penetration testing focuses on the organisation’s internet-facing assets such as websites, servers, and network infrastructure. These tests serve to uncover vulnerabilities that could be exploited from outside your organisation, and from there demonstrate potential impacts while providing detailed remediation guidance. Significant findings will be actioned, followed by re-assessment for re-testing, as needed.

Comprehensive security testing

BMIT provides a range of security testing service aimed at strengthening the organisation’s security posture, preparedness and resilience. These include:
Web application penetration test
Web applications comprise the majority of public facing services and are a common target for attackers especially if these connect to databases containing sensitive information.

Web applications have become increasingly complex, and thus require dedicated testing using different techniques according to the backend technologies used. Testing handles different security aspects such as authentication, authorisation, session management and secure resource access.  
Social engineering assessment
Three out of four incidents in 2023 involved the human element (Verizon). Attacks focus on people, process and technology, and it would be unwise to focus solely on technical vulnerabilities and ignore the human element. In our assessment, BMIT analyses the latest phishing techniques used by real attackers on modern day businesses and craft similar campaigns to target the users in the organisation.

The goal is to assesses the level of security education of your users, assesses the quality of security awareness training those users receive, and to assesses the susceptibility of the authentication mechanism in use to phishing. 
BMIT can also offer these additional security testing services:
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Internal and external vulnerability scanning

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Dependency analysis

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Segmentation testing

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Access Control review

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Security Alert Monitoring (SIEM)

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Security Awareness Training

Why choose us?

Our team of certified security professionals brings a wealth of experience and knowledge in the latest attack techniques and defence strategies.

Ready to strengthen your security posture? Contact us today to discuss your unique needs and schedule a consultation with our security experts.